A man is going for a field trip
Your child is counting down the days, excited about the upcoming field trip.

2 weeks to go…!
1 week to go…!
2 days to go…!

The prospect of missing one day of school, going to new places, and hanging out with friends excite children to no end and they often find it hard to sleep the night before! But, field trips help children in so many more ways than they realize. They allow children to get hands-on learning on the modules they learnt in class; get new opportunities, experiences, and ideas; learn new skills; and ignite new interests and passions. These tips will surely guide you on How To Help Your Child Prepare For A Field Trip.

So, field trips are exciting for both children and parents, albeit for different reasons. The day of the trip can either be rough seas or smooth sailing at home. Here are a few steps parents can take to ensure it’s the latter:

1) Be prepared the night before:

The night before the field trip, pack everything required in the child’s school bag and put out a note for any last-minute packing to be done. Ensure that your child knows where the money, tablets (if any), and other essentials are in the bag. Iron the clothes and keep them ready to avoid last minute frenzy. Prepare a simple lunch, if required, like sandwiches or parathas and pack it in lightweight containers.

Note - you can teach your child responsibility and organization by asking the child to pack his or her own bag (make sure you supervise and help if required!)

2) Choose the right clothes:

school field trip
Choose appropriate clothes depending on the weather and the activities. Select light coloured cotton clothes for a hot climate and dark coloured winter apparels for a cold climate. Also, pack an additional pair of clothes in case there is any emergency or if your child would likely get wet doing an activity. During the monsoon season, make sure to give your child an umbrella or windcheater for protection. Make sure that the child’s bag is not too heavy with unnecessary things as it could become difficult for the child to carry the bag.

3) Talk to your child:

Parents should talk to their children about the upcoming field trip: how are they feeling, what are they expecting, if they have any questions, how they should behave in public places, what they should do in case they feel anxious or nauseated, and so on. Explain everything your child may come across in the trip and mentally prepare him or her. Talking to your child will help you on How To Help Your Child Prepare For A Field Trip.

4) Ensure your child is ready:

A good night’s sleep will ensure that your child is relaxed and ready to take on the day. Also, make sure to wake up well in advance, have a good breakfast, and arrive to school on time for departure. Go through the checklist for things to carry one last time in the morning and make sure that nothing is left out. Remind your child about expected behaviour, or any tasks he or she has to carry out. These tips will surely guide you on How To Help Your Child Prepare For A Field Trip.

5) Encourage your child to take notes:

tips for school field trip One day prior, teach your child about the importance of learning during field trips. Carrying a notepad and a pen will encourage your child to jot down what he or she learns. This will help to engrain the knowledge in the child’s mind and also serve as a good souvenir. Taking photographs using a disposable camera also helps in keeping the learnings and memories fresh in the mind.

6) Take Precautions:

Since you will not be close-by to take care of your little one, you need to take necessary precautions for your child’s safety:

  • If your child is allergic to something, teach him or her how to avoid contact with the allergen and also inform the teachers well in advance.
  • Inform the teacher in charge if your child would require personal attention at certain times.
  • Ensure your child knows when to take medications (if any) and also inform the teachers of the same
  • Pack some mosquito repellent cream and tell your child to apply it when they get into the bus.

These tips will surely guide you on How To Help Your Child Prepare For A Field Trip.

7) Know how much cash is right:

Field trips are a great way to teach your child how to use the various money denominations and how to budget. Your child may want to buy some items for memorabilia or just for fun. At such times, it’s important that the child have the appropriate amount of money. Giving too much money is risky for the child’s safety whereas giving too little can be embarrassing for him or her. You can ask the teacher for the right amount of money your child should carry.

8) Give your contact information:

Make your child memorise your contact number and slip in your contact details in the bag too. Also, ensure that the teacher in-charge knows where to reach you, if required. Follow these simple steps to help your child prepare for a field trip and ensure that the trip experience is amazing. Do you follow certain things to help your child get ready for a field trip that’s not mentioned in this article? Comment below your tips and let other fellow parents know too!