

When the learners join us in the pre primary years they need a lot of pastoral care. The teachers being versatile take on myriad roles during the school day. They are their mothers, their guides through their early learning journey and their inspiration. The little ones come home so often saying but my teacher said I shouldn’t do this or my teacher said I should eat this?? Which is why at JBCN we ensure that our pre primary teachers are maternal, fun loving and capable of multi tasking. The pre primary years are the formative years of a child’s life. Most research shows that learners develop their personality traits by the time they are 7 years old, our program and nurturing environment ensures that the children have a sense of security, belonging and most importantly develop a thirst for learning. We have an open communication policy between the faculty and the parents through the almanac, quarter orientations, progress review days and so on. We encourage parents to share their concerns, their child’s achievements at home and progress with us on a regular basis. We believe that the school and parents work hand in hand to ensure that the learners are getting the best.

Primary and Secondary

As our learners grow, their needs and expectations from their teachers change, however, they still desire an environment that is secure and happy. Once learners have a sense of belonging they feel comfortable enough to explore unchartered territories and challenge themselves. Our teachers, at this age are academic partners for the learners so that teaching and learning can happen here they take on an additional role , that of being obsever, making sure that the learners are able to handle the changes that are a part of growing up. As learners grow older, they realize the subjects that they have a knack for and start developing strong opinions. At JBCN we ensure that we have great faculty for every subject, who make the learning environment vibrant, lively and dynamic so learners enjoy all their classes.

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Students of secondary class are learning science

Enrichment Cell

enrichment cell team jbcn parel

At JBCN, we believe that children have individual abilities and are unique in their own way. Through our enrichment and mentoring programs we aim to ensure that we are considering each child’s ability and encouraging them to excel in their natural abilities at the same time assisting children who may need that little bit of extra time.

Each school runs these programs as per the individual requirements but it is our endeavor that when children come to us we are able to give them the best opportunities to grow and transform into individuals who will take their place in a global society.