InspirUs is a multi-day annual event spanning various activities classified under four broad quadrants: Artistic Me, Athletic Me, Cerebral Me and Expressive Me. InspirUs brings forth an exceptional display of skills, camaraderie and team spirit, sportsmanship and healthy competition. It aims to provide one of the largest ever platforms for our learners not just to showcase their passion and talents but also to step out of their comfort zone and attempt the new. We have had some notable and esteemed guests to encourage and mentor our learners during this multi-day extravaganza.
Held annually, LaunchPad helps our senior learners in grades 8-12 engage with a variety of national and international universities at our school campus. Organized by the Careers Team, this event helps learners plan their learning journey and make informed decisions based on their understanding of the programmes provided along with timely guidance from the school counsellors in conjunction with the admissions counsellors from the various colleges.
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